Discover your breathing patterns.
– Spend more time at 6 breaths per minute.
– Avoid shallow and rapid breathing patterns.
– Identify lactic threshold with peak breathing patterns.
– Side effects may include: Stress Reduction, Cardiovascular Health, Improved Endurance
The Tyme shirt uses seamless technology to:
1. Track your exercise: Movement, body posture, stability.
2. Measure breathing: Breathing rate, volume, and location (belly vs. chest)
3. Give Haptic feedback: Optional feedback through subtle vibration cues.
“You can visualize your data, see your past data, have access to coaching services, and beam everything up to the Cloud where a coach or a medical provider can look over it and give feedback,” Larusson added.
– Interview from Med Tech Boston
Custom Sensors designed by Tymewear
Testing in the field.
Wear testing at yoga studios during the Beta Launch.