GO_RIGHTI’ve been working on my business and personal goals this week which is exciting yet terrifying.  Both of my companies are growing each year but when I am laying out the financial, sales and client goals at the beginning of the year it’s a bit daunting.  I think “How am I going to do all this by myself?”  But then I remember I’m not by myself.  I have a few awesome interns, a supportive husband and a few sisters who are always willing to help whether it’s marketing advice or photoshoot staging.  Plus, after I break it down month by month it’s a bit easier to wrap my head around.

How are you doing with your goal setting for 2014?  If you are stuck or need help a fellow lululemon alumni, Jacki Carr, recently made the entrepreneurship jump and opened up her new venture, Goals on the Rocks.  Her website is FULL of tips on how to define your goals and how to create a space to achieve them.  Check it out, I’m sure it will spark a few goals for you.

2 thoughts on “START UP SPOTLIGHT | ONE

  • Good luck with your 2014 goals. Laying out my goals is feeling daunting right now. Thanks for the Jackie shout out. Definitely going to check out her tips! Happy New Year!

    • Better to get them down on paper sooner rather than later! I keep all of my old goals as well, it’s crazy to look back at my 5 year and 10 year goals and celebrate I actually achieved some of them. Check out Jacki’s website, she makes goal setting fun and fearless.

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